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The Overwhelming Challenges of IT Infrastructure Management

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As organizations leave behind the recession, they are not expected to return to the dynamic days of extravagant spending on IT. IT leaders, CIOs, and CTOs will be called on to prove the value proposition of IT infrastructure to business. They will be impelled to think of ways to boost business agility and address escalating maintenance and administration costs. Faced with the challenge to find a balance between budgets and enterprise needs, CIOs will be coerced to consider a number of options before they can make the right choice.

The challenge does not end with the right choice. IT maintenance and management tasks contribute equally to the CIO's (and thereby the enterprise's)troubles. Business runs on IT. However, business demands that IT be responsive enough to meet its needs. To drive a profitable business, IT has to shed its role of a supporting system that is used to run operations. It must bridge operations with the business. With this understanding, IT leaders have come to the realization that managing IT infrastructure on a service model is the solution that will help them align IT with business. However, this model throws up its own set of questions.

Hcl 70w Enabling Business Information Companies to Discover New Revenue Sources
Content ubiquity and commoditization caused by the internet has meant different things for the consumer and the provider. For the consumer, information sourcing has become easier and more economical. However, for business information companies, that provide information services to multiple sectors likie healthcare and education - the squeeze has happened at multiple levels. To stay relevant in this world business information providers need to do two things.
Hcl 70w Customer 1-on-1 : Creating the Personalized Business Ecosystem
A digitized world has changed production and consumption paradigms irrevocably. As the consumer moves online, his sphere of activities-social, transactional, recreational, knowledge-oriented-are increasingly being conducted in the virtual space. HCL's customer-centric solution for Media and Publishing companies helps create such a personalized interaction zone for online consumers through relevant data aggregation, advanced analytics and web techniques to promote products, services, trials and deal offers that are almost