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Making Business Improvement Real: How People Power the Process

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BPM Portal enables people to:

  • Monitor business activity in real time through a Web portal interface.
  • Measure performance with pre-built scorecards
  • Analyze real-time data with numerous out-of-the-box reports
  • Drill down into data with a visual query tool or use complementary business intelligence tools for more detailed data analysis
  • Optimize processes by providing the visibility and metrics to make improvement decisions

Traditional development processes discourage people. Business executives and project teams are frustrated by complex vendor methodologies that rely on unwieldy information gathering approaches and provide little to no visibility on project progress. The result is inaccurately scoped process solutions and slow deployments.

Many leading enterprises, including hundreds in the Fortune 1000, are using Savvion BusinessManager today for business improvement. They are extending and adding more processes and applications based on Savvion, thus capitalizing on their initial BPM investments in Savvion. Savvion also has a growing number of system integration (SI) partners regional and vertical as well as international that can assist customers with Savvion-based projects and implementations.

Some SI partners have built solution templates for various industry processes based on best practices and domain expertise. These pre-packaged solutions can expedite the development and deployment of full solutions.

Wells Fargo Hype vs Reality SOA
SOA 2008 and Beyond: ITO America asked three specialists in the SOA arena to comment on the phenomenon, and to measure the hype against the reality. Here Michael Kuhbock (Integration Consortium), John Schmidt (Wells Fargo) and Avrami Tzur (HP) add to the debate.
Savvion Business Process Modeling and Analysis with Savvion BusinessManager
Savvion BusinessManager provides a unified and integrated tool - Process Modeler- for modeling, simulation, and analysis of business processes, with a searchable repository.
Savvion Business Process Lifecycle Management with Savvion BusinessManager
Savvion's leadership in BPM is validated in the marketplace by organizations that use it to manage many of their mission-critical business processes, and by industry analysts who consider Savvion a leader in the BPM market.
HP Optimize the Business Outcome of SOA
Today, service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a mainstream IT initiative that ranks among the top priorities of CIOs. SOA dramatically improves the